Do you find it difficult to fill vacancies in either English or French?

Our candidates come from top universities and are selected from a wide range of applications.
We organize and supervise the work and schedules of your employees in order to ensure that all tasks are completed according to the same schedules, despite the distance.
You can focus on growing your business with your team.
Are you facing labor challenges and want to reduce costs while increasing profits?
Staff Virtuel responds to labor shortages in Quebec and North America. We offer you remote employees, while optimizing your expenses and facilitating their management.

44% of vacancies
can be done remotely
Some 152,400 vacancies in Quebec in the fourth quarter of 2023, 44% of which can be filled by remote staff.
( Credit : )

27% decrease in labor shortage rate
THE labor shortage rate decreased by 27%
compared to 2022, which is proportional to the success
companies that have used an office extension.

31% efficiency of
salary increase
More than 82% of affected SMEs have already increased
wages , but this measure is only effective
in 31% of cases, according to the FCEI .

27% Higher than in ONTARIO, payroll taxes
Save money and gain a competitive advantage with us.
In addition, let us recall that payroll taxes in
Quebec are the highest in Canada and 27% higher
Than in Ontario. 82% of SMEs are in favour
To reduce payroll taxes
(RRQ, FSS, RQAP, CNT, etc.)

4.62% growth rate of companies opting for BPO
The forecast of an annual growth of 4.62% demonstrates the success of office extensions with Canadian companies. We will also be there to support your growth.
We offer a strategy to meet your needs with your future dedicated employees. Let's manage together the work and schedule of your employees as if they were by your side. Our selection of professional positions are in different fields such as administration, finance, marketing, communication and IT development.
Our values

Focus on our customers
By listening to our customers and anticipating their needs, we build strong partnerships based on trust and success.
Aim high
We aim big with ambitious goals, our aim is to create a positive and lasting impact.
Act with determination
Perseverance and determination are our driving forces.
Moving forward together
We value kindness and respect for others. We encourage active listening, giving constructive feedback, celebrating successes, and learning and teaching every day.
Get involved / Invest
We stand for openness, honesty and respect. Demonstrate initiative and responsibility by taking ownership of problems and solving them.